Here are the steps to check if your phone is locked by any carrier or not:
1) Find the device's IMEI code (in Japanese it's called 製造番号 - Seizoubangou), which is the code includes 14-15 digits.
≪For iPhone users≫
「Settings」→「General settings」→「About」 then scroll down to find the IMEI number.
Or you could enter the phone call section and press 「*#06#」, the 14-15 digits IMEI number will be shown.
≪For Android users≫
「Settings」→「About」, the 14 15 digits IMEI number will be shown while you scroll down the screen.
2) Check the IMEI number on the check IMEI page
After confirming the IMEI number, begin the process of checking the device's status for Docomo, AU, and Softbank carriers as follows:
- Firstly, please visit here then enter your device's IMEI number.
- Please enter the IMEI number in the <IMEI/MEID入力> box (15 digits).
- After entering the IMEI code above, click to check all the boxes in the "チェック対象" section.
Then press "予約する" to proceed with the test.
The results will be available in minutes.
KDDI = au network
SBM系 = belongs to the SoftBank network
Docomo = Docomo network
Mineo = mineo network (aggregator network)
UQモバイル=au's carrier
If the result is:
docomo判定結果:- or o
Your client is SIM-FREE/Docomo locked network, which means you can use our SIM.
If the result is different from "-"
The 3 symbols: 〇 、△ 、× have the following meanings:
〇: Lock home network. Use normally with that home SIM network. However, if【docomo判定結果 〇】appears, you could use our SIM card.
△ : The device is not locked, you can use our SIM card.
If the contract is later violated (not paying in full) or the device is reported lost, your device will be locked and the status will be changed to [x].
X: The device is locked, restricted, or banned from use because it has been put on the blacklist - Blacklist. or reported lost.
Please note that this result is only correct at the time of checking, so it may be updated later if the device is stolen or blacklisted due to pending bills or illegal activities.
Additionally, devices purchased overseas are mostly SIM-free and can be used with JP SMART SIM cards.